
Antlr env var step should be clearer

Charles-Gagnon opened this issue · 3 comments

It currently says Create environment variable named Antlr2Exe pointing to the installation path.. There's a couple of issues with this:

  1. That should be pointing to the batch file, not the "installation path"
  2. The env var indicates it's an exe, but it isn't (it's a batch file)

I'm going to try to automate this step as well, so it's more simple to run the repo

When you do that see if you can use or something so the user doesn't have to install anything. This might involve updating the antlr version - not sure if there's a reason it specifies 2.7.5 but if we can update that too that'd be good anyways.

Unfortunately, I don't think we can use Antlr3 at the moment, because they made significant changes on how the AST is constructed, and we would have to update our existing grammar rules.
Here's an issue tracking the migration to Antlr3 #15