
why doesn't work on the colab either else enviroment based on cloud?

SonGohan757 opened this issue · 4 comments

env_id = textworld.gym.register_game("/tw_games/custom_game.z8",max_episode_steps=50)
env = gym.make(env_id) # Start the environment.

action space does not inherit from gym.spaces.Space, actual type: <class 'NoneType'>

Hi @mi4da, I have fixed that issue in the master branch (see fix) but haven't made a release yet. However, I do have a prerelease that should work. Can you try installing it?
pip install --pre textworld

Hi @mi4da, I have fixed that issue in the master branch (see fix) but haven't made a release yet. However, I do have a prerelease that should work. Can you try installing it? pip install --pre textworld

Well, Thanks for the reply! I had just done it as you say, and I tested the compatibility between the different versions of gym and textworld and also the type of game files, then I find it still doesn't work with lasted gym, you could review it in this notebook:

I see they just released a new version 10 days ago. Quickly looking at it, there seem to be a few breaking changes. I'll need some time to adapt TextWorld to it and I'll add gym<0.26 in the requirements.

TextWorld 1.5.3 has been released on PyPI.

Feel free to reopen this issue if you encounter any other issues with running TextWorld in Colab.