
the reference directory/package 'data' in Adaptive Frequency Filters is not uploaded

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks a lot for your great work and the code. But it seems that the reference directory/package 'data' in Adaptive Frequency Filters is not included in the code.

For example, in line 20,
from data import create_train_val_loader

in line 11-14
from data.collate_fns import arguments_collate_fn
from data.datasets import arguments_dataset
from data.sampler import arguments_sampler
from data.transforms import arguments_augmentation

Would you upload the files in the project? Thanks!

I also encountered this problem. Have you solved it.

Sorry for the late response. We have tried it ourselves and have not encountered the issue you mentioned. The files you referred to do exist in our codebase. Could you please try the latest version of the code repository and let us know if you still face the same problem?

Closing the issue, you can reopen it if any questions remain.