
Reference to jquery remains in the jsx sample. Sample not working

mikevbaker opened this issue · 2 comments

The references to jquery were removed in commit e190f5a.

A reference to jquery still remains in app.tsx and in require-config.js
app.tsx $ remains
ReactDOM.render(<Greetifier {...props} greeting={getRandomGreeting} />, $('#output').get(0));

"jquery": ['/node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery']

I tried replacing $('#output') with document.getElementById('#output') but got an error "Target container is not a DOM element." I don't know where to go from here.

I figured it out. I forgot to remove the # from the id. The correct line would be this...

ReactDOM.render(<Greetifier {...props} greeting={getRandomGreeting} />, document.getElementById('output'));

I have changes done locally and will create PR whenever it's marked 'help wanted'.