
[not an issue, an information request] Entrance coordinates and splitting of combined buildings

mustafa-yilmaz-zz opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi to all,

Thanks to everyone in this project for publishing and sharing such useful data.

I have two simple questions about this project.

1-) Do we have a chance to get the front-door (entrance) coordinates of the buildings in this data set? I particularly need the coordinates of the connection points between the roads (streets) and the buildings.

2-) Do this data set provide (split) the coordinates of the sub-properties in the combined buildings (including multiple properties inside themselves) individually (independently)?

Thanks in advance for any kind of responses.



  1. This is not in our focus at the moment.
  2. We are actively working on better granularity, but I am not sure when it is going to be manifested as the next US release.