
Train/Val list setting for Kinetics dataset

ychencq opened this issue · 1 comments

Appreciate your excellent work and impressive contribution to this area!
I was doing some experiments in this field, too. However, Kinetics datasets are varied due to different methods of downloading and internet issues. As a great and solid job, I want to follow your setting on fully supervised experiments.
Could you share your train/val list with me? Thanks a lot in advance!

nbl97 commented

Thanks for your appreciation, and sorry for the late reply.
You can find the train/val list of K400 here. For K600, we download the data from CVDF and use the provided file list. I know your point, but I don't think the missing data caused by the internet issues affects the results. So pls feel free to use the available and easy-to-use resources, such as CVDF.
Hope this can help you~