
why can't I download the video feature of ActivityNet?

fake-warrior8 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I can not download the video feature of ActivityNet from dropbox or box, neither the whole zip package or each file individually (I can download the PCA file and unzip file only). The reason for the failure is the network when downloading the last 100% part.

Please check your network connection status. It's not relevant to the file we provided.

Thank you. I tried several times and succeeded.

Hi, I want to know how to use the downloaded feature? For example, the of Charades-STA seems to be unzip in windows system, I can not unzip this file in ubuntu system (using command 'unzip xx'). And how to use the activitynet_v1-3.part-01 - 05 and the hdf5 file? Could you give a file to preprocess these three downloaded files? For example, 1. do something, 2. then put the results into a folder.

Run within each repo. For ubuntu, you need to install unzip first.

Run within each repo. For ubuntu, you need to install unzip first.

I see it. Thank you very much!