
X-CLIP's dataset class error

xqfJohn opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, one bug has been occurred when I tried to run the X-CLIP code:
data[self.meta_name] = DC(meta, cpu_only=True)

the function DC is not defined and has no document.

Could you please explain it? Thank you so much~

class Collect:
"""Collect data from the loader relevant to the specific task.

This keeps the items in ``keys`` as it is, and collect items in
``meta_keys`` into a meta item called ``meta_name``.This is usually
the last stage of the data loader pipeline.
For example, when keys='imgs', meta_keys=('filename', 'label',
'original_shape'), meta_name='img_metas', the results will be a dict with
keys 'imgs' and 'img_metas', where 'img_metas' is a DataContainer of
another dict with keys 'filename', 'label', 'original_shape'.

    keys (Sequence[str]): Required keys to be collected.
    meta_name (str): The name of the key that contains meta infomation.
        This key is always populated. Default: "img_metas".
    meta_keys (Sequence[str]): Keys that are collected under meta_name.
        The contents of the ``meta_name`` dictionary depends on
        By default this includes:

        - "filename": path to the image file
        - "label": label of the image file
        - "original_shape": original shape of the image as a tuple
            (h, w, c)
        - "img_shape": shape of the image input to the network as a tuple
            (h, w, c).  Note that images may be zero padded on the
            bottom/right, if the batch tensor is larger than this shape.
        - "pad_shape": image shape after padding
        - "flip_direction": a str in ("horiziontal", "vertival") to
            indicate if the image is fliped horizontally or vertically.
        - "img_norm_cfg": a dict of normalization information:
            - mean - per channel mean subtraction
            - std - per channel std divisor
            - to_rgb - bool indicating if bgr was converted to rgb
    nested (bool): If set as True, will apply data[x] = [data[x]] to all
        items in data. The arg is added for compatibility. Default: False.

def __init__(self,
             meta_keys=('filename', 'label', 'original_shape', 'img_shape',
                        'pad_shape', 'flip_direction', 'img_norm_cfg'),
    self.keys = keys
    self.meta_keys = meta_keys
    self.meta_name = meta_name
    self.nested = nested

def __call__(self, results):
    """Performs the Collect formating.

        results (dict): The resulting dict to be modified and passed
            to the next transform in pipeline.
    data = {}
    for key in self.keys:
        data[key] = results[key]

    if len(self.meta_keys) != 0:
        meta = {}
        for key in self.meta_keys:
            meta[key] = results[key]
        data[self.meta_name] = DC(meta, cpu_only=True)
    if self.nested:
        for k in data:
            data[k] = [data[k]]

    return data`
nbl97 commented

Thanks for your interest, and sorry for the late reply. Did you organize the datasets as the format shown in README?

Yes,I prepared all the data following the README file.