
Can't boot Arch. Failed to translate Windows env variables and failed to mount disk partitions

dquevid opened this issue · 13 comments

Windows Version

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3527]

WSL Version

Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2?

  • WSL 1
  • WSL 2

Kernel Version

Distro Version

Arch 2024.05.01

Other Software

No response

Repro Steps

  1. Get latest arch release from
  2. extract root_x86_64 from tarball and pack all its contents into new tarball (e.g arch.tar.gz)
  3. wsl --import Arch path/to/Arch path/to/arch.tar.gz
  4. wsl -d Arch

Expected Behavior

Arch linux bootup

Actual Behavior

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> wsl -d Arch
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:711: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\system32
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:757: getpwuid(0) failed 2
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Python311\Scripts\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Python311\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Windows\system32
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Windows
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Binn\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\nodejs\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\VSCodium\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\system32
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\dotnet\
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\.cargo\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\scoop\shims
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\.dotnet\tools
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\.deno\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\npm
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\Gyan.FFmpeg_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ffmpeg-6.1-full_build\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\PostgreSql\15\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\.dotnet\tools
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Packages\equalsraf.win32yank_Microsoft.Winget.Source_8wekyb3d8bbwe
Processing fstab with mount -a failed.
Failed to mount C:\, see dmesg for more details.
Failed to mount D:\, see dmesg for more details.

<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:334: getpwuid(0) failed 2
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:505: execvpe /bin/sh failed 2
<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:508: Create process not expected to return

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@dquevid importing archlinux-bootstrap into wsl work okay. Just make sure you repackage the contents of root.x86_64 w/out including the folder name.

Here are the commands I use to create a valid arch-wsl.rootfs:

zstd -d archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar.zst
tar -xvf archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar  
cd root.x86_64/
tar zcvf ../arch-wsl.tar.gz *
cd ..
tar -tf arch-wsl.tar.gz

The last command is just a sanity check of the rootfs archive before importing arch-wsl.tar.gz into wsl

And the end result:

[root@texas ~]# wslinfo --wsl-version
[root@texas ~]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"

@dquevid importing archlinux-bootstrap into wsl work okay. Just make sure you repackage the contents of root.x86_64 w/out including the folder name.

Here are the commands I use to create a valid arch-wsl.rootfs:

zstd -d archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar.zst
tar -xvf archlinux-bootstrap-x86_64.tar  
cd root.x86_64/
tar zcvf ../arch-wsl.tar.gz *
cd ..
tar -tf arch-wsl.tar.gz

The last command is just a sanity check of the rootfs archive before importing arch-wsl.tar.gz into wsl

And the end result:

[root@texas ~]# wslinfo --wsl-version
[root@texas ~]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Arch Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"

Thx, but i've already mentioned in the "Repro steps" issue section that i did that.

@dquevid: Based on the error you're seeing the issue is most likely that the tar file isn't made for WSL.

Especially this:

<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:757: getpwuid(0) failed 2

Makes me think that there's most likely no /etc/passwd inside the tar.

Unfortunately this is not something that can be fixed from WSL, ideally the archlinux maintainers would need to publish a tar designed for WSL for this to work

@dquevid: Based on the error you're seeing the issue is most likely that the tar file isn't made for WSL.

Especially this:

<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:757: getpwuid(0) failed 2

Makes me think that there's most likely no /etc/passwd inside the tar.

Unfortunately this is not something that can be fixed from WSL, ideally the archlinux maintainers would need to publish a tar designed for WSL for this to work

At first i thought the same thing, but after looking for a solution to install Arch on WSL i found this guide, where the author installed it the absolutely same way, and it worked. I tried to do it with both WSL1 and 2, but the result stays the same

@dquevid your issue is with the 2nd command: bsdtar -czaf arch-wsl.tar.gz root.x86_64/* That creates an improper archive.

Quick check:

[elsaco@texas]$ tar -tf arch-wsl.tar.gz | more
--- cut ---

bsdtar -czaf will -c create, -z compress, -a auto-compress, and -f write to file, but it won't strip the root.x86_64 from path.

@dquevid your issue is with the 2nd command: bsdtar -czaf arch-wsl.tar.gz root.x86_64/* That creates an improper archive.

Quick check:

[elsaco@texas]$ tar -tf arch-wsl.tar.gz | more
--- cut ---

bsdtar -czaf will -c create, -z compress, -a auto-compress, and -f write to file, but it won't strip the root.x86_64 from path.

Yeah, the command provided by the guide was wrong, so i changed it a bit for exactly that purpose like this

cd root.x86_64 && tar czf ../arch.tar.gz *

Although, if it was about incorrect rootfs packing, it couldn't even import it (i tried). The problem was solved when i created wsl.conf file inside the /etc directory in the rootfs. Its contents are:

enabled = true
options = "metadata"
mountFsTab = true

After that it booted up perfectly