
Error message on `wsl --exec` can be more informative

firejox opened this issue · 3 comments

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It is hard to find the root of problem when run wsl --exec failed. For example, run a non-exist command
wsl --exec will show

C:\Users\dell>wsl -d Ubuntu --cd ~ --exec bla
<3>WSL (1288) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:505: execvpe bla failed 2
<3>WSL (1288) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:508: Create process not expected to return

However, wsl -- will show

C:\Users\dell>wsl -- bla
/bin/bash: line 1: bla: command not found

In the first case, people only know run bla failed and with a number 2. And in second case, people will know bla is not found.

It can save people's lives, if error message on wsl --exec can be as informative as wsl -- .

Logs are required for review from WSL team

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Otherwise please attach logs by following the instructions below, your issue will not be reviewed unless they are added. These logs will help us understand what is going on in your machine.

How to collect WSL logs

Download and execute collect-wsl-logs.ps1 in an administrative powershell prompt:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -OutFile collect-wsl-logs.ps1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force

The scipt will output the path of the log file once done.

Once completed please upload the output files to this Github issue.

Click here for more info on logging
If you choose to email these logs instead of attaching to the bug, please send them to with the number of the github issue in the subject, and in the message a link to your comment in the github issue and reply with '/emailed-logs'.


Diagnostic information
Found '/feature', adding tag 'feature'