Microsoft Web Template Studio quickly builds web applications using a wizard-based UI to turn your needs into a foundation of best patterns and practices
- aeksco@codotype
- agergo
- artur-sak13@twopt
- birbilisZoomicon
- canthisCanThis
- charisTheoGoogle
- chrisbaltSeattle, WA
- ddding
- devsetgoClearwater, FL
- ducktype
- efremropelato
- fedot
- ganeshanSterling,MA
- gene-smithRaleigh, NC
- jacob-beltranAuditboard
- jamesdanielsGoogle
- kdbcinco-cs
- lamtranwebSeattle
- LaptopHeavenLexington, KY
- linqingmo
- m7md2112Egypt
- marksuth@cwadigital
- nickyrabitTanzania
- pax
- rationalthug
- real-lazy-coder
- RodrigoCS@Pentalog
- shuaqq2004
- sucroseMidwest, USA
- tthtun
- uszke
- vvvctr
- x545Germany
- yrccondorUK
- yudhirY2K Designworks
- zeele