
/status returns error 500

mcooley opened this issue · 2 comments

Start WinAppDriver v1.3 Release Candidate 1 (1.2.99)

GET /status returns error 500:
{"status":13," value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"An unknown error occurred in the remote end while processing the command."}}

Some tools call /status as their first operation, and the error stops them from proceeding further. This is mentioned in several other bug reports (see for example #1728 or #1739).

@DHowett I am a MS employee and debugged this using internal sources. The root cause is that the build system isn't stamping a version number into winappdriver.exe. The /status handler fails when it tries to read the version number. Let me know if I can help with a fix in any way.

Thanks @mcooley. We've got a fix for this internally, it just hasn't been released. We've got some dependencies to update before we can do that. :)

Any updates on this?