multiple JavaScript scripts that reference each other?
nblog opened this issue · 1 comments
nblog commented
class console{
static log(...args) {
module.exports = console;
import {console} from "./console";
How can multiple JavaScript scripts be used in combination, or is there a similar compiler (merge)?
Something like frida-compile?
wmessmer-msft commented
At the moment, import/export is not supported. Two JavaScript scripts cannot directly reference each other. That said, they can reference each other through the data model either indirectly (preferred) or directly (less preferred).
Take the following script example (executed as a saved "console.js"):
"use strict";
function log(...args)
class __Console
class __ScriptUtility
get Console()
return new __Console();
function initializeScript()
return [new host.apiVersionSupport(1, 9),
new host.namespacePropertyParent(__ScriptUtility, "Debugger.Models.Utility", "Debugger.Models.Utility.Script", "Script")];
This exposes the functionality of log in two ways:
- It's just in the script. That means it's directly referencable from host.namespace.Debugger.State.Scripts..Contents
- It adds a new namespace to Debugger.Utility via extending "Debugger.Models.Utility" with a "Script" namespace that has a new "Console" object in it. This is via the host.namespacePropertyParent registration in initializeScript
Now it's usage from another script:
"use strict";
function getConsole1()
return host.namespace.Debugger.State.Scripts.console.Contents;
function getConsole2()
return host.namespace.Debugger.Utility.Script.Console;
function invokeScript()
getConsole1().log("Hello World #1");
getConsole2().log("Hello World #2");
function initializeScript()
return [new host.apiVersionSupport(1, 9)];
You can see both ways that the underlying functionality of the other script is used.
There are other similar mechanisms that can be used:
- One extension can publish an extensibility point (namedModelRegistration) and another can extend it (namedModelParent)
- Both extensions can extend some native object (typeSignatureExtension) and use methods/properties
Hope that clarifies a bit...