
What is the default password expiration time of a user in Windows Container?

alex031029 opened this issue · 2 comments

When I was troubleshooting a hung process problem in container, I found that I could not access the container (running for 6 weeks) as the password of the account expired.

As I also found a container running for 3 weeks, I can access it.

I checked the user running the container, which is tempUserInConatiner (Sorry for the typo :) ). This user was added via dockerFile as shown below.

RUN NET USER /add tempUserInConatiner
USER tempUserInConatiner

As I didn't specify the password, and neither did I set a expiration. So I am wondering what would be the default expiration time (some value from 3 to 6 weeks?) of an account in Windows Container? May I extend it to a longer one or even infinite? Thanks.

This issue has been open for 30 days with no updates.
@fady-azmy-msft, please provide an update or close this issue.

I now know the answer, 42 days.