
Windows Admin Center v2 - Container Extension

ThePieMonster opened this issue · 4 comments

What is your question?

I just installed the v2 version of WAC.

In the original I would see a list of extensions, one of which is called the container extension.


I see here you can install extensions from custom feeds. Is there a feed for the container extension?

This issue has been open for 30 days with no updates.
@lucillex, please provide an update or close this issue.

Hi @ThePieMonster from my investigation internally I found out that we do not support WAC extension for containers. I have a PR out to update the documentation to reflect that as well. MicrosoftDocs/Virtualization-Documentation#1985

Can I ask why are you trying to use WACs container extension?

Hi @ritikaguptams and thanks for the reply.

I was looking for a Windows solution of Mini Kube / MicroK8S.
Since WAC has K8S support (or it seems like it did), I figured I could run containers in some fashion.

@ThePieMonster I'm going to close this Issue for now. If you have any other comments or concerns, feel free to re-open it.