
MagSetWindowTransform false

jwjw2069 opened this issue · 1 comments

MagSetWindowTransform is always returning false

				memset(&matrix, 0, sizeof(matrix)); //Clear matrix
				//n = mag factor
				matrix.v[0][0] = magnifier::magnificationFactor;
				matrix.v[1][1] = magnifier::magnificationFactor;
				matrix.v[2][2] = 1.f;
				bool factorDone = MagSetWindowTransform(magHwnd, &matrix);
				if (!factorDone) {
					Beep(200, 200);
				else {
					std::cout << skCrypt("MagSetWindowTransform true") << std::endl;

I can't repro. Succeeds for me when I step over this line.

The code you posted doesn't appear to be from any of the samples in this repo. You can follow the instructions on Windows developer support for support options. (Click "Forums and community".)