"Updates.xml" is outdated
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Pierre-de-la-Verre commented
I just loaded the current version from today, but the Updates.xml is from April 2024 and version
Maybe that's the reason that the tooltip on the green field "up to date" tells me "your version is "
Gjanosh61 commented
lovettchris commented
Yeah, I checked https://lovettsoftwarestorage.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/XmlNotepad/Updates.xml and it is indeed out of date. I'm fixing it.
lovettchris commented
Fixed https://lovettsoftwarestorage.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/XmlNotepad/Updates.xml now contains the latest version. Not sure what happened before, my publish.cmd script should have updated it. I simply ran it again and now it's up to date and I published v2.9.0.12 which contains the new feature of Generate xml from schema.