
Python packages that requires private packages in artifacts feed

kalkun opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a package that depends on a package that requires authentication to be consumed from an Azure Artifacts feed.

I was wondering how the authentication scheme of artifacts-keyring interplay with defining a package installation through setuptools.setup. Since installing my dependency package requires artifacts and artifacts-keyring, then these packages cannot simply be defined in the install_requires keyword and does not seem to work when defined through setup_requires either.

Does there exist any advice from the side of this project on how I can define my setuptools.setup so that I can install my new package only through:

pip install <package name> --index-url<org_name>/_packaging/<feed_name>/pypi/simple

or would I have to enforce installation as a two step process?

I realize that my new dependency would require authentication regardless, so this would always have to be a two step installation.