
BUG: Artifacts keyring is not asking for my password on a browser

thomassajot opened this issue · 1 comments

Artifacts keyring is not directing me to sign online as it used to when using pip install on a package hosted in an Azure Feed.

In a new python environment, after running:

pip install -U keyring artifacts-keyring

Then adding a pip.ini file to direct pip to install from an Azure Feeds, pip install asks for my password on the command line, whereas it used to direct me to the online login system.

> pip install MYPKG
Looking in indexes:<COMP>/<REPO>/_packaging/<NAME>/pypi/simple/
User for ...
Password: ...
Save credentials to keyring [y/N]: y
WARNING: 401 Error, Credentials not correct for<COMP>/<REPO>/_packaging/<NAME>/pypi/simple/MYPKG\
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement MYPKG(from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for MYPKG

However the package exists in the Feed and I have the right credentials.

How can I reset my keyring / artifacts-keyring setup ?

I tried to look online how to reset keyring but with no success. I recreated the environment from scratch as well with no success.

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