
Populating a graph and retrieving node positions not working

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I am trying to use the MSAGL library to generate node positions. I have gone through the samples and have not found a simple example that helps.

I have my own custom Graph object with a list of custom edges and custom nodes. I am iterating through them, adding them to the GeometryGraph, creating a layered layout, running the graph, iterating back through the nodes, and retrieving the node positions. The resulting nodes positions are incorrect, they are just about all overlapping. I tried scaling the positions by 100x but they still overlap. What am I doing wrong?
(Here's my code)

  1. I create nodes and edges. I make a dictionary for the nodes so I can reuse them in my edges.
Dictionary<string, Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node> nMap = new Dictionary<string, Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node>();
int radius = 12;
foreach (var myNode in myGraph.nodes)
    var curve = CurveFactory.CreateCircle(radius, new Point());

    // var node = new Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node(curve, id);
    var node = new Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node(curve,;

    nMap.Add(, mNode);

foreach (var activity in myGraph.activities)
    var source = nMap[activity.chartInfo.source_id.ToString()];
    var target = nMap[activity.chartInfo.target_id.ToString()];
    graph.GeometryGraph.Edges.Add(new Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Edge(source, target));
  1. Then I create my layout settings. I've tried changing properties on the settings to see if they produce different positions
var settings = new SugiyamaLayoutSettings
    Transformation = PlaneTransformation.Rotation(Math.PI / 2),
    EdgeRoutingSettings = { EdgeRoutingMode = Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Routing.EdgeRoutingMode.Spline }

// Tested these out but they didn't work
settings.MinimalHeight = 700;
settings.MinimalWidth = 1300;
settings.NodeSeparation = 200;

var llayout = new LayeredLayout(graph.GeometryGraph, settings);
  1. Then I get my custom nodes (from a dictionary lookup) and set the positions from the GeometryGraph nodes:
foreach(var node in graph.GeometryGraph.Nodes)
    var myNode = myGraphNodeMap[node.UserData.ToString()];
    myNode .x = (int)node.Center.X * 100;
    myNode .y = (int)node.Center.Y* 100;

Can someone point me in the right direction? What am I doing wrong?

As an aside, how would you create edges that curve around a node?

What is "id" here? var node = new Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node(curve, id);
The edge routing in SplineMode is based on, building a sparse visibility graph and routing on it.

Ah it was a typo, it should be:

var node = new Microsoft.Msagl.Core.Layout.Node(curve,;

I'll modify it so it says the right thing.

Sorry, it is difficult to see what is happening without additional information. A full example would help. Maybe you can print out the msagl node positions as well.