Support the KEDA `ScaledJobs` / Jobs Pattern
jeffhollan opened this issue ยท 21 comments
KEDA supports a pattern of ScaledJobs
for containers or jobs that "run to completion". This is especially useful if you are pulling messages from a queue or event source and want to have it run to completion without scaling down
This could also be merged with the traditional "job" concept - and expose a "manual invoke" ability where you can kick off the job without it being tied to an event with something like az containerapp invoke-job -n myjob --image {}
This would support one of my most needed use cases, having it work as an Azure Pipelines/Github Actions pool.
This would support one of my most needed use cases, having it work as an Azure Pipelines/Github Actions pool.
Yeah we are eagerly waiting for this same usecase too, have mentioned it on Discord a few times.
Adding my voice to this too. This is key for us to enable the use of containerapps for a bunch of deployment pipeline situations where we need jobs to run to completion.
This would be very beneficial for the use cases we have for container apps as well.
We are currently looking into utilizing Container Apps for our workloads. Since we need to run numerous long-running batch jobs and would like to scale those via KEDA Queues, we are very interested in having ScaledJobs support in CA. Otherwise we cannot utilize CA for our workloads in this case.
Would be useful for our use cases as well. Have a lot of minor apps that should start every now and again, do their thing to completion and then scale down automatically. Based mostly on cron expressions and EventGrid triggers (HTTP).
we will be working on jobs and support for this will happen with support for jobs!
one of my customers ask for this feature as well
Any ETA on this one?
We are making progress in design phase - will keep updated
One of our customers ask for this feature as well!
Where is the official roadmap of ContainerAppService?
Need this feature too. Our use case is around processing lidar data in a container app which would require long-running jobs and even vertical scaling of resources for particular batch jobs.
Adding my voice to the line as well. We would greatly appreciate this feature to support our pipeline deployments.
We're looking forward to this as well. Our current use case is for Azure DevOps pipelines, but we're also considering it for other long running jobs. Thanks!
Any roadmap updates? We are using private link exclusively across the majority of our Azure footprint and need self hosted runners to deploy our apps. Using VMs is a non-starter and managing an AKS cluster just for runners seems foolish as well. Utilizing ACA seems like the best scenario. Looking forward to not needing several "hacky band aids" to accomplish this.
Need this as well
Any updates regarding this? Would be very useful in our use-case.
Any updates regarding this? Would be very useful in our use-case.
Found the answer myself in #526 if someone else is wondering.
BTW, neither @jeffhollan (the OP) or @kendallroden (assignee) are with Microsoft anymore, so I am not sure who is going to close this issue. @anthonychu ?
Closing this issue as Container Apps Jobs is in Public Preview: