
Generate API v7.1

aristosvo opened this issue · 11 comments

@nechvatalp Can we please have 7.1 generated?

I know it is still preview, but it seems the only way we could finally integrate elastic pools into automation like the Terraform Provider.

Open sourcing the process is also fine, as I can than easily setup a fork

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There is a new version planned which would have all the APIs from 7.0 I can't provider any ETA at this time.

@nechvatalp @tonybaloney Can you please give an update about the ETA? Both this API and the Python one (which would be our backup/second option) are really behind, making working with the Azure DevOps product from an automation perspective horrible.

@nechvatalp please? 🥺

Hi, unfortunately the plan to do a new release for either go/python has been shelved indefinitely. Sorry.

@nechvatalp anyway i could help?


This is basically condemning the Azure DevOps Terraform provider to death, can you share any more information about this decision?

@nechvatalp I noticed the other day that the Rust library uses the OpenAPI spec, which appears to be be current. Sounds like you all were using some custom generators in years past that are now lost or need some investment to revive, so maybe that's a low-cost way to keep them going. Has there been any consideration to releasing new versions of the Python & Go APIs based on that spec? Rebasing the Terraform provider on a new API structure would be a bit annoying, but probably still worth the one-time effort opposed to hacking in new features manually which we've started doing as the API is either stale or buggy.

We've discussed as a team and will be able to prioritize a new version of the client next sprint, so we'll have it posted by the end of April. We are planning to adopt OpenAPI in the coming months and are considering how that may replace the need for these clients. For now, we're going to bring the clients current and then see what's possible with OpenAPI.

Yayyy thanks @drewbren! We recently requested to be added to the new "REST API support for connecting GitHub repositories (private preview)" specifically to add it to the terraform provider so I don't have to re-add 50 repos to a connection every time we reset that PAT. I'll get it working in our fork one way or another but it'd certainly be nice to have it in the official client which will make upstreaming the new resource easier.

New version 7.1 has been released, it should have all publicly available APIs that we have at this point.

Thanks @nechvatalp ! You've unlocked some cool automation possibilities for us, thanks a lot!