
Allow load test to continue when there is a high error rate

jmbinger opened this issue · 2 comments

I have set up a load test to test throttling in my service. In this test, I am expecting a high error rate from the throttling service returning HTTP response code 429 for throttled requests. However, when I run the test, it gets cancelled by Azure Load Testing and shows the error "The test was stopped due to a high error rate. Check your script and try again. In case the issue persists, raise a ticket with support." Because of this, I am not able to see the impact of throttling on CPU resources.

Please allow for tests to continue when there are expected errors. It would also be helpful to be able to configure a test to pass when a specific error code is returned.


@jmbinger Thank you for sharing the feedback. Currently, the tests get aborted if the error rate is >90% for a 60 sec duration. Making the auto-abort configurable is on our roadmap.