
Incorrect variable encoding/decoding when using setVariable + getInput

JiriKovar opened this issue · 7 comments


azure-pipelines-task-lib version: 2.10.1

Issue Description

When setting a variable with data that contains any of these:

function escapedata(s) : string {
The data gets encoded, but is not decoded upon retrieval.

Expected behaviour

I can retrieve the same data I stored.

Actual behaviour

The data is encoded upon set, but is not decoded upon get.

Steps to reproduce

  • I'm setting a secret via
    export function setVariable(name: string, val: string, secret: boolean = false): void {
  • The secret contains JSON which contains URL with encoded query string. Please notice the %2F. Sample:
    { "webhooks": [ { "method": "POST", "url": "\u0026sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun\u0026sv=1.0\u0026sig=HEKSopljgflJUIJPjljpuipkj" } ] }}
  • The value is later passed as input to another task and retrieved via
    export function getInput(name: string, required?: boolean): string | undefined {
  • The retrieved value looks like this (please notice the %252F ):
    { "webhooks": [ { "method": "POST", "url": "\u0026sp=%252Ftriggers%252Fmanual%252Frun\u0026sv=1.0\u0026sig=HEKSopljgflJUIJPjljpuipkj" } ] }
  • I'm afraid that it's because of this and there is nothing I can do about it:
    function escapedata(s) : string {

Just got the same issue, it's really troublesome and as you said not much we can do about it

@JiriKovar Do you have a workaround? it's screwing our secrets since % becomes %25
So currently we manually change them back, but its defeating the point of automation...

I'm probably missing something, but I can't seem to repro this. Admittedly my attempt at a repro is simplified and that could explain it - hoping you'll spot what I'm doing wrong. I did also attempt with a secret variable which didn't seem to change anything.

pool: { vmImage: ubuntu-latest }

- checkout: none
- script: |
    echo "##vso[task.setVariable variable=foo]sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fautomatic"
  displayName: set
- task: Bash@3
    targetType: inline
    script: echo $(foo)
  displayName: show



This should be fixed by microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent#3152. I think the issue only manifests when you get the input via an old version of the task-lib or you don't use the task-lib at all to retrieve it

@damccorm I confirm that the issue was when using task lib and simply doing tl.setVariable("foo", "dummy%", true)
Then the value of foo would become dummy%25

Could you tell us in which version of task lib the issue is solved? From what I see your PR was merged 10d ago. See:


@molinch that pr was on our agent repo - so it will roll out automatically. It will be turned off by default initially, but eventually fully enabled (see

This should be fixed