
Creating a new pipeline fails

digitalinfinity opened this issue · 10 comments


  • Install the Azure Pipelines extension
  • Hit Ctrl+Shift+P, run "Azure Pipelines: Configure Pipeline"
  • Login to Azure Devops at the prompt


  • Pipeline scaffolding created


  • Error: " is not a function"


This is my first time reporting an issue in this repo so I'm not sure if there is more information I can provide- please let me know if that's the case.

This is also the true on projects that contains pipelines.

Reverting to version 1.182.0 of the extension resolved this issue for me. not sure why though!

Might be worth pointing out that I am using the Insider build of VSCode (1.61.0-insider)

Version: 1.61.0-insider (system setup)
Commit: 0c83ca1ced83259971d80890d93abbe19cbfc992
Date: 2021-09-15T05:16:32.507Z
Electron: 13.1.8
Chrome: 91.0.4472.164
Node.js: 14.16.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19042

The same thing happens for me, VS Code stable channel.

The same thing happens for me, VS Code stable channel.
Reverting to version 1.182.0 didn't solved the issue.

This is on my radar, sorry for the inconvenience.

Samme issue.

VSCode: 1.61.2 (user setup) run in WSL2 on Windows 11
Azure Pipelines: v1.194.1

Seems as if the " is not a function" error disappears if you have set up the folder as a git repo and added a Azure DevOps remote. Though once you choose any template that step fails instead with an error of

"Expected signal to be and instanceof AbortSignal"


Yes - I believe there's two bugs here. The .map error sounds like incorrect validation, while AbortSignal was reported in #413 as a problem with how we're packaging the extension (I only tested with the unpackaged version before releasing it...didn't think there would be behavior differences).

I will try to get these bugs resolved this week or next :).

Good morning, everyone! I believe I've fixed the errors here. If you're up for it, I would appreciate if you could try out the attached version of the extension, to make sure it also works for you.

If I don't hear anything back, I plan to release a new version once Sprint 195 is out.

Version 1.195.0 of the extension has been released. Let me know if you still have issues after updating.