
Intent will not be triggered

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

Hello, the bug I have is that my intent in the bot framework composer is not triggered, despite that this intent has a score of about 99%. Instead the bot goes into the unknown intent.


  • Bot Framework Composer: v2.1.3-nightly.364675.1a93f21
  • Microsoft.Bot.Components.Recognizers.CLURecognizer: 1.0.1

To Reproduce

  1. Create CLU Project with this Template: CLU-Template.json
  2. Connect the Bot Framework Composer (BFC) to this Project (with Microsoft.Bot.Components.Recognizers.CLURecognizer: 1.0.1)
  3. Create an intent in the BFC named ABC_DialogTrigger
  4. Fill the Unknown intent and ABC_DialogTrigger with content of your choice.
  5. Try something like █ABCDialog or SWDM-DialogStart

Expected behavior

It should be triggered the intent, named ABC-DialogTrigger.


The ABC_DialogTrigger intent.

The unknown intent.


Additional context

Here is the result of ${turn} which can you see in the unknown intent:

  "lgType": "Activity",
  "text": {
    "locale": "de-de",
    "activity": {
      "type": "message",
      "id": "<id>",
      "timestamp": "2023-10-26T14:56:10.024+02:00",
      "localTimestamp": "2023-10-26T14:56:10+02:00",
      "localTimezone": "Europe/Berlin",
      "serviceUrl": "http://localhost:5000",
      "channelId": "emulator",
      "from": {
        "id": "<id>",
        "name": "",
        "role": "user"
      "conversation": {
        "id": "<id>|livechat"
      "recipient": {
        "id": "<id>",
        "name": "Bot",
        "role": "bot"
      "textFormat": "plain",
      "locale": "de-de",
      "text": "SWDM-ABCStartDialog",
      "attachments": [],
      "entities": [
          "type": "ClientCapabilities",
          "requiresBotState": true,
          "supportsListening": true,
          "supportsTts": true
      "channelData": {
        "clientActivityID": "<id>"
    "dialogEvent": {
      "Bubble": false,
      "Name": "unknownIntent",
      "Value": null
    "recognized": {
      "text": "SWDM-ABCStartDialog",
      "alteredText": null,
      "intents": {
        "ABC_DialogTrigger": {
          "score": 99887174.0
      "entities": {
        "$instance": {}
      "intent": "ABC_DialogTrigger",
      "score": 99887174.0
    "interrupted": true

I have solved this problem. The problem was that the intent was wrong, which I didn't notice because the bot framework composer doesn't show the intent, only the name. It can only be viewed and edited in the code view.
The intent here was wrong, I had to edit it here: