
How to use clarity-visualize

Closed this issue · 4 comments

1、How to Play Data: When using visualizer.html(), playback is choppy.
2、How to Display Hotspots.
3、How to Display Click Areas.
4、Is the code available on the open-source website ""?
Thank you

During the private deployment process, the code for echo is as follows. Discovering that it cannot be perfectly replayed, how to modify it?

  <div class="sdk-wrap" ref="sdkWrap">
    <iframe class="sdk-wrap-iframe" ref="sdkWrapIframe"></iframe>

<script setup>
import { onMounted, ref} from 'vue'
import { clarityData2 } from '../../utils/data';
import { Visualizer } from '../../utils/clarity.visualize'
const sdkWrap = ref(null);
const sdkWrapIframe = ref(null);

onMounted(() => {
  if (sdkWrapIframe.value) {

async function delay(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const init = async() => {
  const playbackData = [];
  const clarityDataTemp2 = clarityData2()
  const clarityDataTemp = clarityDataTemp2.split('\n')
  for (const iterator of clarityDataTemp) {
    try {
      if (iterator && iterator.length > 1) {
        const item = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(iterator))
    } catch (e) {
      console.error('e------>', e)
  const visualizer = new Visualizer();
  // 获取 iframe 元素
  const iframe = sdkWrapIframe.value;
  // 获取 iframe 的内容窗口
  const targetWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
  const options = {
    version: '0.7.46',
    canvas: true, 
    keyframes: false
  try {
    await visualizer.setup(targetWindow, options);
    // 渲染回放数据 
    const playbackDataTemp = []
    let timestamp = 0
    for (const iterator of playbackData) {
      let timestampDelay = timestamp == 0 ? 500 : (iterator.timestamp - timestamp)
      await delay(timestampDelay);
      timestamp = iterator.timestamp
      await visualizer.html(playbackDataTemp, targetWindow, null, 0); 
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('e11------>', e)

Replay repetition

Hello @huidou886,
You can find clarity-devtools in this repo which is a browser extension with live session replays against any website, you can follow how it leverages the visualizer to understands how it can be integrated in your project.

Since we haven't received any further updates or responses, we're closing this issue for now.