
Unknow error when use pyodbc to new a http_client on Windows 10.

zznlink opened this issue · 0 comments

I was using python3.11 and pyodbc 4.0.34 to make a connection to my datasource.
The implementation of this interface was simply a http client creation using cpprestsdk, and my code is as follows:
The issue is my code exit without any c++ execption or error message when I run this period of code, from the log below you can find it stop on the line mark as red:
I tried to catch some execption from my code but it print nothing.
I followed this doc : to build a static library: cpprest_2_10.lib and also tried vcpkg to install same lib, and I have compiled my code (the odbc driver) successfully with this cpprest lib file.
my system type is 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor, and my os is windows 10
Any advice is welcome. Thanks!