
Suggested Apps

denelon opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Suggested new feature or improvement

I'd like to get a list of "suggested apps" rather than just a hard-coded list of popular apps.


I've got apps a, b, and c installed. Most people with those apps also have d, e, and f installed so those should be suggested.

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sala91 commented

HeidiSQL, dBeaver - missing those sql management tools
Firefox Developer Edition, Firefox/Chrome/Opera/OperaGX/Edge/Brave nighlty/dev/preview browser for local testing
Git Tower - to manage git libraries (also why not gitkraken and gitextensions)
Microsoft ToDo - to help break down bigger US to smaller chuncks
kDiff3 - to resolve merge conflicts
PosrgreSQL server
eartrumpet - to manage audio sources

Hey everyone, I wanted to add some clarity here. The current list is a hardcoded list of packages. We don't want to be in a constant state of flux where we continually modify the list via PRs. Different users will have different preferences depending on what type of development they do as well as the packages they prefer.

The goal is some kind of heuristic, AI (Artificial Intelligence), or ML (Machine Learning) to provide suggestions.

Hi @denelon ,
I have used ShellGPT before for solving issues/errors in sys. If your goal is to implement some kind of heuristic, AI (Artificial Intelligence), or ML (Machine Learning) to provide suggestions, I think having ### an AI agent that can automatically detect issues from log files would be helpful. It would be great if the suggested apps feature could leverage AI capabilities to analyze log files and generate relevant recommendations or solutions based on the detected problems. ### This would streamline the troubleshooting process and provide users with timely assistance.
This approach would provide a dynamic and adaptive solution that aligns with users' specific development needs and preferences. It would also ensure that the list of suggested apps remains up to date and relevant as new tools and technologies emerge.
We can hope this suggestion helps in enhancing the suggested apps feature. Let me know if you have any further questions or need additional input.