
NuGet.config file is overridden by global NuGet.Config

bashenk opened this issue · 2 comments

I was unable to get the build working due to missing System.CommandLine, until I added this line to my <packageSources> in my NuGet.config:


Turns out the issue was actually that it was using my global NuGet.Config file instead of the one in the build directory. Maybe consider adding a --configfile ./NuGet.config argument to the dotnet restore command in ./init.ps1

The error I was getting was ApiPort depends on System.CommandLine (>= 0.1.0-e171125-2) but System.CommandLine 0.1.0-e171125-2 was not found. An approximate best match of System.CommandLine 0.3.0-alpha.20054.1 was resolved

@bashenk Thanks for reporting the issue. Since you already figured out a fix, do you like to submit a PR?

@Lxiamail Sure, I should be able to submit one tomorrow.