
[BUG] `download_ojdata` does not work inside a Jupyter Notebook

yueguoguo opened this issue · 2 comments


When running the 00_quick_start/auto_arima_forecasting.ipynb notebook in the cell where the data is downloaded and split, it failed to download the data.

For example, if we run the function to download the data, it says it starts to download the data but the actual download operation is not triggered (see screen shot below).


How do we replicate the bug?

Follow the environment set up instructions and run the notebook.

Expected behavior (i.e. solution)

The data should be successfully downloaded.

Other Comments

The problem may be something to do with the script path construction where os.path.abspath(__file__) is used - it might be somewhat incompatible with Jupyter notebook. One discussion that may be useful to resolve the issue is here.

Instead of installing bayesm, consider simply downloading the source from here. The datasets are in the /data directory and can be loaded into R using load.

Thanks for the suggestion Hong. I'll create an issue out of it, as a feature request, for future improvement.