
Refactoring fclib

hongooi73 opened this issue · 6 comments

The current fclib modules are a legacy from the tsperf iteration of this repo. They have a number of issues:

  • Contain functions which are idiosyncratic to the energy forecasting use case, eg computing lags for specific seasonality definitions
  • Other functions carry implicit assumptions about the nature of the data, eg exactly 2 key/grain variables
  • Lack of unit tests

These make fclib less suitable as a general-purpose toolkit for enabling forecasting. This issue is to track progress in refactoring the library into something that better fits this description.

Should remove integer output arg for modelling utility funcs, this just adds needless complexity.

@hongooi73 , is this issue addressed with your latest work on code refactoring and unit tests?

Not yet, there are more changes I want to make as we discussed before.

  • Refactor the one-hot-encoding functions to always return a fixed number of columns

Hi @hongooi73 , with the latest changes in one-hot-encoding functions, is this issue resolved?

Yeah let's close this for now.