- 0
- 0
- 4
Plz release new version to Nuget
#105 opened by atsapura - 1
- 1
Doesn't build with dotnetcore
#99 opened by halcwb - 1
Update giraffe-support example for .Net core 3.0 fixing "Synchronous operations are disallowed"
#98 opened by artemkv - 3
Using RequireNonOptionalPropertiesContractResolver causes invalid dictionary serialization
#92 opened by tmoers - 4
Support single-case discriminated union
#71 opened by drhumlen - 3
how to handle missingmember, or nulls
#48 opened by kolsmyr - 0
Using CompactUnionJsonConverter in ASP.NET MVC results in internal server errors when sending invalid JSON
#89 opened by aparent-emgs - 2
- 4
Serialize to Stream?
#9 opened by stevenranney - 2
- 12
- 1
Giraffe JSON serializer on wiki is incorrect
#66 opened by nohwnd - 0
- 1
registerFileAndConsoleTracer file redirection not working in netcoreapp2.1 app
#57 opened by marina-p - 8
Not deserialize with culture invariant?
#56 opened by mamcx - 0
compact union converter + camel case resolver does not resolve names consistently
#49 opened by johlrich - 1
- 1
Json: convert tuples to arrays
#31 opened by vivainio - 2
- 7
Make memorise in FSharpLu.Json thread-safe
#36 opened by cmeeren - 1
- 0
Internal semaphores created in Microsoft.FSharpLu.Async. should be disposed Synchronization
#25 opened by chkeita - 2
How to build the project?
#29 opened by maestrow - 4
- 1
- 2
- 0
Leaking object in startProcessAsync
#20 opened by blumu - 1
- 2
FsCheck unit tests broken by F# 4.1: "Unable to cast object of type 'XXX' to type 'Testable ...`"
#14 opened by blumu - 1
- 1
encodeToBase64 and decodeBase64 are not symmetric
#2 opened by danyoel