
Enhancement Request: Add Generic AckHandler shell (stub).

Opened this issue · 1 comments

User Story: As an end user I would like the ability to send a Rest call to an external service (ServiceNow) that updates the ServiceNow Ticket with the TFS ID and then sets the ServiceNow State to Resolved.

History: We are going to use ServiceNow as a front end ticketing system If the ticket belongs to a development group that is in TFS. ServiceNow will Email the Bug to TFS. Mail2Bug will pick it up and create a bug. Mail2bug will also send an email to the submitter with the TFS bug id and link. (I have this working and love it)

My enhancement is to add a user configurable shell (stub) that can be reused to send and acknowledgement message via Rest or maybe any other method that is needed, to update the sending source that the bug we received.

Like to have:
The Generic AckHandler could be enabled in the M2B config file, like ack emails (replys).
Error logging for this module
Place to define the credentials for the service and support multiple authentication types.

Nice to have:
The ability to configure multiple ”Ack” Handlers
Being able to define the Multiple handlers in a config file rather than recompiling the executable. (Similar to the way we can configure multiple email accounts to poll in one config file.

I’m not a True programmer I can hack my way through reading code and relying on google, so any help would be appreciated if we can’t add this new feature.

Thanks for your time

This might already be possible with Service Hooks. Have you given it a shot?