[Bug] Hang when one GPU get a new BasePtr while others not.
FC-Li opened this issue · 1 comments
FC-Li commented
The smChans cache policy is using an unordered map with (base_ptr, num_bytes) as key and smChans as value. So when some GPUs determine to create a new channel and insert into the map while other GPUs find the (base_ptr, num_bytes) in cache, a hang will happen.
Please see the code and comments down below.
auto create_channel(void *buff, size_t num_bytes, cudaStream_t stream)
size_t recvBytes;
CUdeviceptr recvBasePtr;
MSCCLPP_CUTHROW(cuMemGetAddressRange(&recvBasePtr, &recvBytes, (CUdeviceptr)buff));
ChannelKey channel_key{(void*)recvBasePtr, recvBytes};
auto iter = channels_.find(channel_key);
if (iter == channels_.end())
// Some GPUs enter this branch
auto smChans = p_.comm->createSmChans(buff, num_bytes, nullptr, 0); // All GPUs need to rendezvous here, so a hang happens.
using Handle = typename mscclpp::DeviceHandle<mscclpp::SmChannel>;
Handle *d_smChans;
cudaMallocAsync(&d_smChans, sizeof(Handle) * smChans.size(), stream);
std::shared_ptr<Handle> SmChanDeviceHandleDevicePtr{d_smChans, mscclpp::CudaDeleter<Handle>{}};
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Handle>> SmChanDeviceHandleHostPtr = MscclppCommunicator::getSmChanDeviceHandleAsync(d_smChans, smChans, stream);
Channel channel{
.smChans = smChans,
.SmChanDeviceHandleDevicePtr = SmChanDeviceHandleDevicePtr,
.SmChanDeviceHandleHostPtr = SmChanDeviceHandleHostPtr};
channels_.insert({channel_key, channel});
return channel;
// Others enter this branch
return iter->second;
std::vector<mscclpp::SmChannel> createSmChans(void *inputBuf, size_t inputBufBytes, void *outputBuf, size_t outputBufBytes)
mscclpp::RegisteredMemory inputBufRegMem = comm_->registerMemory(inputBuf, inputBufBytes, mscclpp::Transport::CudaIpc);
mscclpp::RegisteredMemory outputBufRegMem;
if (outputBufBytes)
outputBufRegMem = comm_->registerMemory(outputBuf, outputBufBytes, mscclpp::Transport::CudaIpc);
std::vector<mscclpp::NonblockingFuture<mscclpp::RegisteredMemory>> remoteRegMemories;
for (int r = 0; r < p_.ep_world_size; r++)
comm_->sendMemoryOnSetup(outputBufBytes ? outputBufRegMem : inputBufRegMem, r, 0);
auto remoteMemory = comm_->recvMemoryOnSetup(r, 0);
std::vector<mscclpp::SmChannel> smChans;
for (size_t channel_id = 0; channel_id < NUM_CHANNELS_PER_CONNECTION; ++channel_id)
for (size_t connect_id = 0; connect_id < connections_.size(); ++connect_id)
smChans.emplace_back(smSemaphores_[connect_id][channel_id], remoteRegMemories[connect_id].get(),
return smChans;
I wonder if there is a way to solve this issue.
chhwang commented
This is a known issue and we will fix in a future version. We need to add more communication kernels to support this.