
Incompatibility with .Net Standard 2.0

colinthompson opened this issue · 4 comments

When trying to add this package to a project targeting .NET standard 2.0, an error is thrown because OpenScraping v1.0.1 only supports netcoreapp2.0.

Here is the output when running dotnet add OpenScraping:

info :   GET
info :   OK 380ms
error: Package OpenScraping 1.0.1 is not compatible with netstandard2.0 (.NETStandard,Version=v2.0). Package OpenScraping 1.0.1 supports: netcoreapp2.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)
error: Package 'OpenScraping' is incompatible with 'all' frameworks in project '<REDACTED>/Project.csproj'.

I am still navigating the differences between them, but as you noticed the library currently supports .Net Core, not .Net Standard.

@colinthompson I've create a PR, #15 which hopefully will be merged soon

Thanks! Looking forward to it.

Thank you Andreas, this is now in master.