
Build hangs while running ms\do_vsprojects14.bat

yuezhizizhang opened this issue · 6 comments

I've checkout tag OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT. While running ms\do_vsprojects14.bat, it hangs:

Configured for VC-WINSTORE.
unknown option - no-dso
no rule for apps\ at util\ line 1061.
File ssl/tls1.h: cannot parse: ()


File ssl/tls1.h: cannot parse: ()


However, if I download the zip file OpenSSL_1_0_2_WinRT-stable, everything goes fine. What is the tag name of the 1.0.2g stable version?


Hi @yuezhizizhang,

This is strange, the OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT tag is at the exact same commit as the OpenSSL_1_0_2_WinRT-stable branch, which is the b6385a7 commit.

Hi khouzam,

I've checked out tag OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT with command:

git checkout tags/OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT -b OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT

Thus, my working directory is a mirror of OpenSSL_1_0_2g_WinRT. While running ms\do_vsprojects14.bat from the command line, everything goes well. However, If I run the batch file from Makefile, it hangs.

The Makefile looks like:
cd src;

The batch file hangs at:

Configured for VC-WINUNIVERSAL.
unknown option - no-dso
no rule for apps\ at util\ line 1062.
File ssl/tls1.h: cannot parse: ()

File ssl/tls1.h: cannot parse: ()


Any idea what's going wrong?

I've found out the root cause. On Windows, core.autocrlf is TRUE by default. Consequently, line terminators of the checkout files are replaced by CRLF. However, the perl script fails for the CRLF line endings.

Glad you found the cause. The default Windows instructions mention using ActivePerl, I guess, we didn't copy that clause in the WinRT instructions. I'll fix this to avoid others having the issue.

Hi khouzam,

I suggest you add a .gitattributes file to the root folder, so that users don't have to change their configuration manually to avoid this pitfall. You just need to add one line into the .gitattributes file:

  • text=false

It works for me. explains about it.

@yuezhizizhang Thanks for your info !