
Could not find assembly 'Windows.winmd'

steerlink opened this issue · 5 comments


Trying to build NT-Phone-8.1-Dll-Unicode.vcxproj in Release ARM fails with "could not find assembly 'Windows.winmd'...".

Branch: OpenSSL_1_0_2_WinRT-stable
Tag: OpenSSL_1_0_2j_WinRT
VS: Professional 2015 Version 14.0.25425.01 Update 3

Steps to Reproduce

git clone -b OpenSSL_1_0_2_WinRT-stable
cd openssl
git checkout tags/OpenSSL_1_0_2j_WinRT
cd ..
msbuild openssl\vsout\NT-Phone-8.1-Dll-Unicode\NT-Phone-8.1-Dll-Unicode.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="ARM" /m


C1107 "could not find assembly 'Windows.winmd': please specify the assembly search path using /Al or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable


I'm able to successfully build Release/Win32 of the same project. Also tag "OpenSSL_1_0_2h_WinRT" builds fine in Release/ARM.


I'm following your steps (copy and paste) but I'm not hitting this issue. Can you produce a detailed log and send it my way?



Here are some logs from a run I did using VS 2015 Community.

Hi @steerlink

The logs show that the environment is not found, can you try the following:

Start a Developer Command Prompt and build from there.
Get a log from the successful build and we can try to see what's different.

@khouzam The logs I supplied were generated inside a developer command prompt.

Discovered this which provides another way to build the libraries: