
npx folio returns Timeout of 30000ms exceeded

didd opened this issue · 2 comments

didd commented

Expected Behavior

3 passed

Current Behavior

Timeout of 30000ms exceeded

Steps to Reproduce

I used the example given here. Then run :

  1. npx folio




  • @playwright/test: 0.162.0
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Node.js version: 12.18.3
  • Browser: [Chromium]

The example test is actually broken. If you go to and inspect the page you will find that there isn't and element with the class home-navigation. What is happening here is the page.innerText(".home-navigation") actually waits for the element to become visible. So, innerText times out after 30 seconds (by default), but by then the test times out too.

As an aside, they redesigned the docs and must have forgotten to update the tests.

Good catch @nrhoffmann, created a corresponding patch here which fixes that #194