Bug: importing Worker from playwright fails - _playwright is not defined
Meir017 opened this issue · 1 comments
Meir017 commented
the following code works
import * as playwright from 'playwright';
import { folio as baseFolio } from '@playwright/test';
const builder = baseFolio.extend<{ worker: playwright.Worker }, {}, {}>();
builder.worker.init(async ({ page }, runTest) => {
await page.goto('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page');
await page.route(url => url.href.includes('/sw.js'), route => route.fulfill({
body: 'var a = 6',
contentType: 'text/javascript',
status: 200
const [worker] = await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => {
myWorker = new Worker('https://en.wikipedia.org/sw.js')
await runTest(worker);
const folio = builder.build();
const { it, describe } = folio;
describe('worker', function () {
it('should work', async ({ worker }) => {
when importing the specific type from playwright an error is thrown
this solves the issue but I rather import just the used types and not prefix everything with playwrighs's alias
--import { Worker } from 'playwright';
++import * as playwright from 'playwright';
import { folio as baseFolio } from '@playwright/test';
--const builder = baseFolio.extend<{ worker: Worker }, {}, {}>();
++const builder = baseFolio.extend<{ worker: playwright.Worker }, {}, {}>();
the error
npx folio -p browserName=chromium
Running 1 test using 1 worker
1) sample.spec.ts:32:5 › worker should work ======================================================
browserName=chromium, headful=undefined, slowMo=0, video=false, screenshotOnFailure=false
page.evaluate: Evaluation failed: ReferenceError: _playwright is not defined
at eval (eval at evaluate (:303:29), <anonymous>:2:5)
at UtilityScript.evaluate (<anonymous>:305:22)
at UtilityScript.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:44)
17 | const [worker] = await Promise.all([
18 | page.waitForEvent('worker'),
> 19 | page.evaluate(() => {
| ^
20 | myWorker = new Worker('https://en.wikipedia.org/sw.js')
21 | })
22 | ]);
at Object.captureStackTrace (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\utils\stackTrace.js:48:19)
at Connection.sendMessageToServer (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\connection.js:69:48)
at Proxy.<anonymous> (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\channelOwner.js:64:61)
at D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\frame.js:179:42
at Frame._wrapApiCall (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\channelOwner.js:77:34)
at Frame.evaluate (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\frame.js:178:21)
at D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\page.js:385:60
at Page._attributeToPage (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\page.js:231:20)
at Page.evaluate (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\node_modules\playwright\lib\client\page.js:385:21)
at Object.fn (D:\Playground\Playground.Js\play\sample.spec.ts:19:14)
1 failed
sample.spec.ts:32:5 › worker should work =======================================================
browserName=chromium, headful=undefined, slowMo=0, video=false, screenshotOnFailure=false
mxschmitt commented
Closing as part of the triage since the new test-runner is quite different. Please create a new issue if its still persistent.