export-solution not creating file
fcctsorrell opened this issue · 3 comments
My were running without errors but nothing was being created from the export-solution to be picked up by the next step which loaded the .zip to the artifact store. Didn't have this problem back in August. Reverted the export-solution to the 0.8.2 version and it is working again. Not sure what is broken but the latest version isn't working for me.
the 1.18.x pac CLI (and the 0.8.2 Actions release based on it) introduced a regression on how it always appended an extra "_managed" to the base name of your exported solution.
This is addressed in the 0.9.2 release (based on pac CLI 1.19.4 w/ the fix)
@fcctsorrell please validate if the latest 0.9.2 release of the actions resolves your issue; closing issue for now. If you still have this repro on your end, please re-activate but also add more details, e.g. error message from the export-solution action, or a following action that tries to read/unpack the exported solution.zip
@davidjenni Just tested it today. It fixed the problem. Thanks.