
Solution Checker action is failing with the error "PACHECKER_PS_FILE_TOO_LARGE"

wesco-prathapmotupalli opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,
we are running the solution checker action "uses: microsoft/powerplatform-actions/check-solution@v1" for one of the solution and getting the below error Please suggest on this how can we increase this size to get rid of this?

Error: ERROR: ErrorId: PACHECKER_PS_FILE_TOO_LARGE; ErrorCategory: InvalidArgument; TargetObject: System.String[]; Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: ERROR: code=PACHECKER_PS_FILE_TOO_LARGE, param=FileUnderAnalysis, message:The file(s) under analysis must be under 30 MB. D:\a\QOE-SOL\QOE-SOL\out\exported\

30 MB was the largest files that the Checker service would accept previously.
This should now be at 100 MB with the yesterday's release.