
Using latest version of the debugger.

karthiknadig opened this issue · 3 comments

Download and install insiders build of the python extension:


To use the new debugger please add the following to your user settings:

    "python.experiments.optInto": [
        "DebugAdapterFactory - experiment",
        "PtvsdWheels37 - experiment"

Reload VSCode. if you look at Output tab > Python panel, you should see these lines:

This should get you the new debugger.

Note: We are moving to use debugpy package as the debugger, so you may see that instead of ptvsd

memco commented

Is there anything else not included in the instructions we need to do in order to test this? I downloaded the insiders extension and added those configs, but I don't see that output in the Python output. Attempting this on 1.43 stable on Mac OSX 10.15.3.

@memco Enable these two settings:

Experiments are disabled when telemetry is disabled.