
Wrong type reported when type is correct

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
In the following code:

from _thread import LockType
from threading import Lock

lock: LockType = Lock()

I get the following error:

error: Expression of type "Lock" is incompatible with declared type "LockType"
    "Lock" is incompatible with "LockType" (reportAssignmentType)

But Lock does return LockType (it is actually a function), e.g. for me (python 3.11):

# python3.11/
_allocate_lock = _thread.allocate_lock
Lock = _allocate_lock
# python3.11

VS Code extension or command-line
Command line:

Python 3.11.7
pyright 1.1.364

Pyright is working correctly here, so I don't consider this a bug.

Pyright, like other type checkers such as mypy, bases its type analysis on type information provided in type stub files provided by the typeshed project. You can see how the stubs define the Lock class here.

If you think this type information is incorrect, please file a bug with the typeshed project.