
Setting StatusBar's barStyle doesn't work in Android

kg-currenxie opened this issue ยท 6 comments

import { StatusBar, Styles, View } from 'reactxp'


  onPress={() => {
    StatusBar.setBarStyle('dark-content', false)
    StatusBar.setBackgroundColor('#333', false)
  onPress={() => {
    StatusBar.setBarStyle('light-content', false)
    StatusBar.setBackgroundColor('#999', false)

2020-03-11 16 53 10
2020-03-11 16 53 32

Using React-Native's component works fine in Android, and does actually change the text/icon colors.

import { StatusBar } from 'react-native'



Screenshot 2020-03-11 at 16 56 03


Found this

    setBarStyle(style: 'default' | 'light-content' | 'dark-content', animated: boolean): void {
        // Nothing to do on android

But React Native has this implemented:

Edit 2:

Works fine in Android using the React Native way.

In some component:

+import NativeStatusBarManager from 'react-native/Libraries/Components/StatusBar/NativeStatusBarManager'
-import { StatusBar } from 'reactxp'


-StatusBar.setBarStyle(barColor, false)

Would it make sense to just add NativeStatusBarManager in RXP's StatusBar?

Is this project dead? Not even a response

Not dead but not moving terribly fast no, at last check Microsoft was pretty deeply invested in react-native / reactxp but I'm not sure what the current is @berickson1 ?

@kg-currenxie -- it looks like you found the issue! I think we just need to connect a native-common implementation that uses ReactNative's NativeStatusBarManager

Thoughts @mikehardy ?

Seems about right and I wouldn't be surprised if @kg-currenxie doesn't already have this locally integrated via patch-package ;-), should be a quick PR Kristian?

Seems about right and I wouldn't be surprised if @kg-currenxie doesn't already have this locally integrated via patch-package ;-), should be a quick PR Kristian?

Sorry, no patch-package for this one :)
Just using RN's own at the moment (component not used on the web anyway) ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ™ˆ ๐Ÿ™ˆ

If somebody wants to contribute this fix, I'd be happy to help review and get it slotted into the next release!