
[api-extractor] Unable to follow symbol for "IHttpRequestTransformer"

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Following the code in AstSymbolTable.js it says "If you encounter this, please report a bug with a repro. We're interested to know how it can occur." right after the throw new node_core_library_1.InternalError so that's why i'm here.

Currently, I am working on a project using vite-dts-plugin wich uses api-extractor, and I'm encountering a specific issue that I would like to resolve.

The error I'm facing is as follows:

Unable to follow symbol for "IHttpRequestTransformer"

Such symbol is declared in angular so it seems that this error is related to the "@types/angular" library. I have checked the documentation and searched the web, but I haven't found a clear solution to this problem.

Has anyone encountered this error before, or does anyone have any ideas on how I can address it? I would appreciate any guidance, suggestions, or advice on resolving this issue.

Thank you in advance.