
.Net: Step4 agent example fails when run.

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Describe the bug
When running Step4_KernelFunctionStrategies the test fails with the following error:

Microsoft.SemanticKernel.KernelException : Agent Failure - Strategy unable to select next agent: Writer: "Eggcellent Carto-graphy: Navigate the World with Egg Carton Maps. Crack open a new way to explore, with maps that are both practical and eggstraordinary."


  • OS: [e.g. Windows, Mac]
  • IDE: [e.g. Visual Studio, VS Code]
  • Language: [e.g. C#, Python]
  • Source: [e.g. NuGet package version 0.1.0, pip package version 0.1.0, main branch of repository]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.