writing with mode "append" to an existing table only rolls back faulty rows w/o "NO_DUPLICATES"
m-freitag opened this issue · 0 comments
m-freitag commented
Using the latest beta version of the connector, issuing an "append" to an existing table only properly rolls back rows after an error in a row occurs. Setting reliabilityLevel to "NO_DUPLICATES" works. However, the Error message raised in this case is intrackable.
Take an arbitrary HEAP table with some constraint (e.g. primary key) or non-nullability set causes all rows rows up to a faulty row (e.g. Null) to be inserted:
df.write \
.format("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.spark") \
.mode("append") \
.option("url", "url") \
.option("dbtable", "table") \
.option("schemaCheckEnabled", False) \
.option("tableLock", True) \
.option("BatchSize", 1000) \