Misleading Statement in Copilot for Synapse Data Warehouse Article
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Bug Location:
Article: Microsoft Copilot for Synapse Data Warehouse
The article contains a misleading statement regarding Copilot's capabilities. Specifically, the line "Copilot doesn't understand previous inputs and can't undo changes after a user commits a change when authoring" might lead users to believe that Copilot is unable to track context within a single session. However, Copilot does retain context within the session to generate meaningful responses based on the ongoing conversation. The statement should clarify that while Copilot retains session context, it does not support an "undo" feature for committed changes.
The misleading statement is located in the "Limitations of Copilot for Data Warehouse" section.
Correcting this statement will help users better understand Copilot's capabilities and limitations.
Expected Result:
The statement should clearly convey that Copilot retains context within a session but does not support an "undo" feature for changes once they are committed. Suggested revision:
"While Copilot retains session context and can generate meaningful responses based on the ongoing conversation, it does not support an 'undo' feature for changes after they are committed."
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