
Add NotDefault and ValidElements

scottdorman opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice to have a convenience method on Requires which easily allows validating a collection against a predicate. This method could look similar to:

public static void ValidElements<T>([ValidatedNotNull] IEnumerable<T>? values, Predicate<T> predicate, string parameterName, string message)
    if (predicate is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(predicate));

    if (values is object)
        foreach (T value in values)
            if (!predicate(value))
                throw new ArgumentException(message, parameterName);

This could then be used like

public void SetFieldWidths(params int[] fieldWidths)
    Requires.NotNullOrEmpty(fieldWidths, nameof(fieldWidths));
    Requires.ValidElements(fieldWidths.SkipLast(1), fw => fw >= 0, "All width's except the last must be greater than 0", nameof(fieldWidths));

Similarly, adding a Requires.NotDefault<T> for enums.

What's the process for the translations on string resources? Should I translate them myself using something like Bing translate?

We have a loc team that provides translations.